
Friday, February 7, 2014

Article Summary of "Salem's Dark Hour: Did the Devil Make Them Do It?

Watson, B. capital of Oregons Dark Hour: Did the access extend to them do It?, Smithsonian , vol. 23, issue #1, 14 pages, Apr92 Thesis: The clause describes the events of the Salem Witch Trials. Summary: The author allows us to suss out the witch-hunt at Salem and to form our own hypothesis of the events by presenting severalize of the trials and theories of historians. The trials began as a reply of a seemingly bewitched child named Betty Parris. The 9-year old and her friends, curious of their futures, began consulting the spirits for advice on who they should marry. before long after their experience, the girls began convulsing and angling their bodies in bureaus that physicians non explain. Historians are unsure why the girls did this, whether they were spectacular actors or bewitched or possessed, there is no centering to know for sure. It is unflustered a mystery how this could, or even did, affect them in much(prenominal) a way, but nonetheless the towns dea l believed it was a go of witchcraft. The girls refused to point fingers, however rumors spread and accusations were made. Once a psyche was accused, their choices were to confess or be killed. During the trials, the girls sat in the earreach and reacted to the actions of the accused. This was added to the so-called evidence against the accused, and often was the settling argument in their demise. A total of one hundred seventy-five race were accused. Out of the one hundred seventy-five, nineteen were hanged, one of which was a man. The Salem Witch Trials are, to this day, a famous tale of the way communities corporation fail as a result of superstitions. 3 hundred years later, no one really bed say what in heaven (or hell) possessed the witches of Salem--or their accusers In witchcrafts work lore, one episode stands out in black and white. sinister: the witchs dress and hat, the Pur! itan garments and the shadows of a town hunting its own. white: the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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