
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Children Are No Longer Children. Discuss.

tiddlerren ar no longer children. Discuss. Childhood is generally considered to be either a natural biological st bound of affix or a modern idea or invention. Theories of childishness are concerned with what a child is, the nature of puerility, the spirit or function of childhood, and how the notion of the child or childhood is used in society. The concept of childhood, like any invention, was high-risk from a potent relationship between ideas and technologies within a frame of social, political, and economic needs. In the 1800s, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, the notion of childhood was next to non-existant. Families moving from out of country-style areas into quickly expanding cities found themselves most oftenly very(prenominal) poorly off. This meant that they did whatsoever they vox populi possible to fool as much of an income as possible. unmatchable way in which they achieved this was by having many children. This way, they could be send out to work at a teen age and bring in money to the household. Subsequently, there wasnt a childhood as such, as children were essentially considered to be smaller versions of adults. They would be federal official the same food as them from a very untimely age, they would wear robes that were just old clothes from siblings, mirroring the image of the mean(prenominal) working class. This was until teaching method was introduced, and made compulsory. This education operate a wedge between childhood and adulthood, fashioning the period of being a child more distinguishable. Children since so have become more and more of a saved demographic of society. Through new government policies such as The Child Protection crop [2004], petty(a)d on the Children Act [1989], children are being saved against violence and sexual abuse. on base of this, compulsory education and restrictions on the amount of work a child can do have also protected and defined the period we commonly r efer to as childhood. These laws helped in! fract childhood special for every child, and reinforced...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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