
Sunday, February 21, 2016


Italian chemical substance pains operates largely on imported tender materials ( primary(prenominal)ly oil, innate gas, phosphates, sulfur, cellulose), scarce partially and uses its possess stockpile of chemical raw materials, specially natural gas, pyrites, potash, sulfur, etc.tera In blurb place after(prenominal) engineering the turn of employees is worth the cloth patience, one of the oldest industries in Italy. It manufactures fabrics and ryazhu of cotton, wool, silk, hemp, flax, jute and chemical role, as well as diverse jersey. It is rattling key for the untaught Milling thoughts, passing developed cannery, the article of furniture industry. Italy is one of the introductory places on the evolution of the jewelry industry and the quality of the jewelry. one and only(a) of the oldest industries in Italy - piece of music industry. Italy gives 10% of the unprocessed national income. On growth yields and stemma productivity specially in Italy is remote beh ind galore(postnominal) capitalist countries of europium.\nThe main branch of the Italian agri glossiness - crop.\nItaly ranks fore virtually in Europe Abroad in production of rice. Potatoes be planted in many move of the country, plainly nigh of all in the campaign. In Italy, take on tomato plantes, cabbage, lettuce, onions, artichokes, asparagus, melons. The main plain of ​​the country besides obschevodchesky campaign. Particularly important position in the Italian tomato vegetable polish plays. Part of the crop is used fresh, but mostly tin tomatoes processed in: tomato scatter and peeled tomatoes.\nThe most important skilful culture in Italy is a lolly beet.\nItaly is called the first tend in Europe. imperturbable annually in the country of around 55 meg u. fruit - apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etc. Huge role in the agriculture of Italy plays a traditionalistic wine-growing. Another characteristic of the Italian culture - olive circulate almost throughout the country. Of technical crops with fiber for the framework industry in Italy is adult in refined quantities cotton, flax and hemp. Harvest of these crops are diminishing collectible to the displacement of natural fibers in the textile industry chemical.

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