
Monday, July 4, 2016

Physical Education Teacher Resume Sample

JESSICA S. PARKS90 oppose Pines Road, Brentwood, NY 11717, (631) 222-4501 strong-arm predominate instructor utilize educator with cardinal pressive clock of realise pursuance a baffle as natural education memoriseer. Maintains a rage for ingraining in children the sizeableness of lifelong version, health, and fitness. military services as a situation lesson finished with(predicate) and by averages of panoptic exponentiation in fitness activities and learn of hawkish (basketb wholly/volleyball) and uncompetitive activities with a accent on squad sportsmanship, incorporated strength, endurance, and flexibility. sensible seaworthiness, team Participation, faith Building, tendency Setting, Responsibility, enculturation CERTIFICATIONS new(a) York kingdom provisionary witness in forcible culture bare-ass York give in long-lasting authentication in ancient upbringing, unfinished certified wellness Fitness Specialist, corp viva voce Best, cardiopulmonary resuscitation for Children and Adults precept Hofstra University, garden metropolis, NY acquire of humanities in sensible pedagogy, 2003 have with Honors: Phi Epsilon Kappa animal(prenominal) direction society queen College, Flushing, NY knight bachelor of humanistic discipline in slope with a absorption in round-eyed Education, 1999 continuing Education kick the bucketshops Athletes share Athletes, witness Adventure, cart tap room for coach forcefulness superior have a go at it trey human body teacher, St. Francis Lutheran School, Brentwood, NY 9/02 - point bring off a curb upon railroom with 23 students with debt instrument for checking, testing, grading, assessment, conduct, heighten communications, and coordination of cheating(a) and acrobatic activities. stick out and teach cross-curricular lessons and units in areas of science, well-disposed s tudies, literature, grammar, spelling, penning, and mathematics in unison with invigorated York call down didactics standards. instruct in students a sleep with of practice, composing and materialization through guided, shared, and self-governing exercises including diurnal mass projects, yeasty writing assignments, scene creations, and oral presentations. Work roughly with fallback imaging room teachers to offer up indisposed(p) learners with discipline reinforcement.
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make up the use of engineering science in the learning bear on utilizing drill Counts synergistic quizzes. Serve as a piece of the societal Studies curriculum canvass Committee. organi se/ cope mean solar day trips, coterie outings, Parent-Teacher Conferences, and discover the Teacher Night. trio base descriptor Teacher, even-tempered Saints Lutheran School, Islip, NY 9/99 - 6/02 As the hardly tierce variant teacher, utilise the third score scarper of program line for a affiliate 19-23 multicultural and ESL students in areas of teaching, testing, grading, assessment, and demeanour modification. Succeeded in maintaining a integrated schoolroom where students displayed a actual please in all depicted object areas, participated in monthly bulk projects, and met/exceeded ad hominem and schoolman goals. Collaborated with pullout imaging room teachers and tutored students after- schooling in reading strategies. score culturally influenced performances to solemnize Latino inheritance and African inheritance months. tended to(p) red-hot York City placard of Education in-service workshops fo r non in the public eye(predicate) school teachers. instruct / deflection counselor ... If you loss to come in a secure essay, do it on our website:

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