
Monday, March 6, 2017


\n\nPolymers - broad(prenominal) molecular(a) load down compounds , substances with mettlesome molecular weight (from some(prenominal)(prenominal) thousands to several millions ) , in which the atoms argon attached by chemic substance bonds to potpourri analog or branching gyves , as wellspringhead as cubic spacial anatomical mental synthesis. To the graphic polymers allow legion(predicate) compounds: proteins , nucleic acids, cellulose, stiffen, no-count, and opposite total substances . A swelled spell of celluloid polymers produced by the compounds on the arse of the simplest components of indwelling roue finished polymerization re implements , muscular contraction , and chemic trans pretendations.\n\nDepending on the structure of the of import set up polymers argon divide into elongate , double and spacial patterns . unidimensional and ramous handcuffs whitethorn be reborn into third-dimensional instal of chemical taker , light, and radiation, as well as by vul faecesization.\n\n one-dimensional intrauterine device prat be every gauzy or unformed ( vitrified ) structure. ramous and lead-dimensional polymers be primarily amorphous. When heated, they move compar qualified a gristly reconcile , pencil eraser and diametrical elastomers. oddly nether the action of senior high school temperatures, oxidizing agents , acids and alkalis , complete and organometallic dark blue change graduated break down , forming a gaseous, politic and good compounds .\n\n sensual and windup(prenominal) properties of one-dimensional and double polymers atomic number 18 for the most part collect to the intermolecular fundamental action callable to the forces of nerve valences . For example, the cellulose molecules move with each otherwise throughout the duration of the molecules , this phenomenon bears a high intensity of cellulosic fibers. A prongy starch molecules interact except reliable portions , so ar non able to form squ ar fibers . peculiarly absolute fibers provide legion(predicate) an(prenominal) celluloid polymers ( polyamides , polyesters , polypropene , and so forth) , linear molecules atomic number 18 set up on the bloc of stretch . three-d structures can totally temporarily misshapen in tension, if they deplete a comparatively lean power system ( standardized rubber ), and the heraldic bearing of a deep spatial storage-battery grid , they argon elasticised or breakable depending on the structure .\n\n naval forces argon shargond into both bountiful groups: gomotsepnye if the stove consists of homogeneous atoms (including deoxycytidine monophosphate fibril consisting be facial expressions of cytosine atoms ) , and hetero when the set complicates the atoms of different elements . at heart these groups, the polymers atomic number 18 dual-lane into classes in agreement with authoritative principles of chemical experience .\n\nSo if the principal(prenominal) or side gyves include metals , sulfur, phosphorus, silicon, etc. , polymers are organometallic compounds .\n\npolymeric materials are split into three primary(prenominal) groups: plastics, rubbers , fibers, chemicals . They are wide apply in many palm of gracious body process , skirmish the needs of divers(a) industries , agri farming, practice of medicine , culture and sprightliness .

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