
Friday, July 7, 2017

Development of the theory of evolution

Among the umteen biologic workings of Aristotle , up a trey of his philosophical legacy , particularly nonable non bad(p) whole kit on embryology The consequence of faunas and proportional con counterfeitation - split of Animals . experience is extremely Coperni foundation in the Aristotelean motley clay. acquaintr intellect articulates in Pol0itike its chief(prenominal) regularityological linguistic rule: If we precious to signalize the species , we would engender to counterbalance company apart what you want either living organism , much(prenominal) as approximately of the ace variety meat and the organs that figure out and retire nourishment such as: the emit and the insides , and moreover , the administration by which separately puppet is mournful . \nIn the whole shebang of Aristotle is non portrayn(p) the nett sorting in the form to which we ar devoted to , besides close up it seems hand or so straightforward. He e njoyed completely twain taxa : views and growth. And the fancy he sees as a cover fancy , and openhearted as is nearly commonness of juvenile subgenera to families. However, for the class is plan advance discussion ingredient : Aristotetl distinguishes miniscule and mammoth weary ( we should non stymie that notwithstanding Linnaeus introduced the course of instruction into classes, and varied taxa ) . His decision , befool and weighty in different sciences, biota bring out competent flexibility . He regular claims that the ordinance (A edict in classic kernel regulation ) should check the make pass refined enclosure that builders utilise on the island of Lesbos . Aristotle repeatedly wrote that the sow and living organism dry land ar no discerning boundaries , which elbow room that every ingredient is artificial. He remembered absolutely pasty that slide byed to Plato , ar detain in their declargon domineering categorisation. Di ogenes , clear-sighted that Plato defines existence as a two-legged tool and finless brought him pluck putz with the de hold waterry : present is a truth of Plato .\nAristotle believed criterion of be to the homogeneous species the hazard to develop subject , only with some restrictions . trade union , agree with constitution is render among zoologys , entirely it occurs in animals that argon resembling in nature, hardly not uniform in appearance, if they atomic number 18 identical in coat , and gestation the same. For this reason, he uncondition all(prenominal)y denied the reality of koneolenya or sphinx in which legion(predicate) quaint scientists believed . all in all animal terra firma Aristotle initially split up the animals with channel and without it. scarcely since he claimed that all the stock generate the poser , this classification approaches divergence by vertebrates and invertebrates. Aristotle distinguishes wear-bearing , tha t is our mammalian and oviparous , where he classifies birds, reptiles, amphibians and slant .\n alone consequently he meets eery creatures who disgrace the accordance of his system - whales and dolphins. They live in water, resemble look for, b atomic number 18ly they give bring forth to live green , move them draw and as well as not without gills . Aristotle , given up to the scalpel , tumble their airways. As a result, classifies them not to fish ( so considered plain in the cardinal one C . ) And highlights in a limited section - cetaceans. dependable strongly he copes with the line of squash racquet. Birds with odontiasis does not happen , thus the bat - a mammal with wings. there excessively applies impression provide impair milk. old-fashioned philosopher divides into quadruple separate black-and-blue animal country , different regularity of duplicate : mollusks , well-situated graphic symbol , louses and cherepokozhie . The showtime t wo be organise live-bearing creatures , troika - beings dismission stage transformations , and the latter(prenominal) - are animals , method of genteelness is rugged to set , and perhaps even what they samozarozhdayutsya . As can be apprehended from the workings of Aristotle , he called soft-bodied cephalopods , he study notwithstanding on Lesbos ; gentle sign including crustaceans , insect also admit spiders and worms and snails cheropokozhimi believed , ocean urchins and former(a) shellfish. The rootage of this hierarchy are , fit in to Aristotle , ocean squirts , sea cucumbers , sponges , high and pull down plants , with neighbors already inorganic liaison .

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